God's Speaking to Me

I’ve been praying for guidance and the confidence to move forward with my own business but I can’t help and notice the overwhelming sensation of doubt that fills my body time and time again. The questions surface, can I do it? Do I have enough money? What happens if I fail? I have realized that this is a part of reality. The natural feelings of confusion can truly over power your confidence. How do we control those emotions? I met Kenston Griffin a motivational speaker and had the opportunity to hear his story on Envision Life Talk show with Dr. Davis and Cherise. I must say I was empowered and inspired. I felt the lord in an obvious fashion, was speaking directly to me. It was like no one else was there. God was reminding me to take each day one-by-one and work extremely hard. Do not reference the options of failure. Only think about the positive progression you make each day. There will be obstacles and there will be times of doubt, BUT GOD is there and with Faith we can do any...