Always Wanting for More

Why is it we’re never satisfied? We’re always wanting and waiting nervously for the next phase? I see the good and bad in this. The good is we’re always on the up and up. Looking for bigger and better accomplishments to take our life to the next page, this is the same thing as never looking at a new obstacle with fear and worry in our heart. These types of people will always progress in life. On the flip side, there are also people in the world who are way too content with being stagnant in their life and never wanting more for fear of rejection or failure. Too much of wanting is a bad thing, but not wanting at all is just as bad. We are supposed to simply LIVE LIFE and not constantly be in a rush to open the next door. If we’re always on the go we will miss some of the most important aspects to our life. God places so many blessings in our life on a daily basis. He can’t also lead a camel to water, it’s up to us to find these beautiful moments and thank him for it. We ...