Living with Expectancy

Wow! This article was published in Metro Proponent January of this year. 5 Months later it's all coming into fruition-- every single thing I stated in this article. Speak life and love into everything you do! There's power in words. Big changes are upon the horizon. 2014 has a lot in store for us. I am speaking it and believing this into existence. I hope and pray you do the same. For me personally, I am ready to take a big leap of faith in hopes to finally walk into my purpose. I don't want to chase money, beg for promotions, work holidays and continually sacrifice my peace and happiness for what other people think I should do. When you really think about it, are you happy with where you are in your life? If yes—that’s amazing! If no, what’s holding you back? These are the questions I've asked myself every single day this year. Some days it brought tears to my eyes because my answer ...