How To Keep A Smile On Your Face

Feeling warm sand between your toes at the beach Seeing a baby light up with a giant grin Getting a handwritten note in the mail Listening to your favorite music Warm, fresh-baked chocolate chip cookies A magnificent sunrise or sunset Cuddling Good chocolate Holding hands Laughing until you nearly wet your pants Inside jokes Spending time with people you adore A cloudless sky Your favorite flower Getting a call or email from someone you love out of the blue Watching your favorite childhood TV show Singing loudly in the car Hugging your babies, no matter how old they are Stargazing at night Lying in bed listening to the rain Finding money you didn't know was in your pocket An icy glass of lemonade (or beer) on a hot summer day Getting a great parking space Sleeping in Fresh bed sheets Putting on clothes straight from the dryer A breathtaking view -- water, mountain, cityscape, forest, whatever A picnic Plump summer tomatoes Bodysurfing A fireworks...