To Eat Healthy or To Save Money?

Why is everything so difficult these days? We all need to be more health conscious, but all our quick fix choices are unhealthy substitutes. The other day I found myself in traffic and hungrier than ever. Home-girl is on a budget so it wasn’t like I could stroll over to Jason’s Deli for a hearty snack. My options were… well, you know what my options were because this is the same thing you face daily. This dilemma down right sucks! I started to get the best of myself when my thought process centered around how these unhealthy, cheap, food stops were conveniently placed on every corner for a reason. Why isn’t there a drive through subway? Why can’t our healthy options be cheaper? We all know the troubling weight concerns our country already faces, so why are we doing something more about it? I want the same amount of healthy food selections as I do the unhealthy ones and since I’m on my high horse I don’t want the healthy food places to break my pockets like they do now. T...