I Vow to Stop Drinking and Driving!!!

I recently made a pact with myself to stop drinking and driving. I am the stupid idiot who feels she is perfectly fine at 3am to drive herself home. I made sure to title this blog as such because I want people to know how dumb, stupid, insane, ruthless and horrible I have been. I didn’t want to say, "I Don’t Drink and Drive or I Will Never Drink and Drive". No, I want you to know the cold hard truth because I have a feeling you may or may not be in my same boat. Am I right? WE COLLECTIVELY NEED TO PUT A STOP TO THIS TODAY!!!!!

Here’s my issue, I’m a smart girl and I know drinking and getting behind the wheel is a gamble. The only problem is when I’ve been drinking I no longer remain this smart, sensible girl. The voice in my head actually speaks the opposite of reality. I usually feel I’m a little tipsy but well enough to drive my drunk butt home, which is completely false.

My realization came the other night when I was videotaping a friend proposing to his girlfriend on stage,
Congrats to Tommy and Tatiana
Any who, when I watched the playback I heard my drunken slurs and all I could remember is how I drove home feeling like, “I got this”.

So the pact I started with myself I offer to you as well. Who cares about leaving your car somewhere, if it gets towed then guess what? That sucker gets towed. Who cares about the last couple dollars in your pocket, spend that chump change to get yourself a taxi. Call your friends and family and wake them up. I’m sure anyone in their right mind would be more than willing to come get you rather than hearing someone say, “I’m sorry but she/he didn’t make it”. From this moment on, if I drive to the club after 2 drinks I hand over my keys. It’s that simple. I do not need to wait until my mind starts playing tricks on me. I’m just going to give the keys to someone or at least start planning my way home.

I’m sorry to everyone I offended. I decided to write this entry today to put myself on the chopping block because I know I’m not the only one who does it. I’m so sorry to anyone who has ever lost someone due to a drinking and driving incident. I realized when I drink and drive I put my life at risk as well as those around me. If something happens to me or anyone of us we are being selfish not only to ourselves but to the family and friends who love us. Think about it...

Video that will change your life!!!



  1. I think its great you are owning up to what you've done. I'm glad you've come to the realization that you should not drink after 2 drinks. I applaud you because I know SOOOOOOOOO many of my friends that drink and drive. They know it's a gamble but they still do it. You are definitely not the only one.

  2. Hey friend. I think your site is very interesting for me, your site give me some important information, thanks a lot!

  3. I am feeling the same way. I had 6 beers in 6 hrs and drove myself, and even worse my friends home. I feel so guilty and stupid over having done this. I am in graduate school and even though I think I am smart, I continually make these very stupid decisions. Today I told two friends that I will call them in the middle of the night to have them take me home from now on. Spending a money on a taxi, another option. Ugh why do I have to be sooooo stupid. If I am drinking I am going to take the bus, have a dd, find a hotel, or whatever it takes to not drink and drive. It kills me to know how much I can lose. I would lose it all, beginning with my own life, or even worse, the life of some innocent person or passengar. Ugh, no way I am going to allow this in my life. It ends here for me also. NO MORE DRINKING AND DRIVING!!!

  4. I have the same problem, after I have 2 drinks my judgment gets clouded and I convince myself I am ok to drive home only to wake up in the morning, thanking the heavens above that nothing bad happened. God forbid something happens to an innocent person while I or anyone else gets behind the wheel drunk. I also hate living with the guilt the next day and feeling the like scum of the earth. I am going to get in on this vow with you and make a pact that I will no longer get behind the wheel after drinking and your idea of handing your keys over to someone else is a great idea so you don't even give your mind the chance to convince yourself that it is ok to drive when you really shouldn't be. Again, thank you for this post, I needed this.

  5. I'm very glad to have found this. There are many resources for drinking and driving on the internet, however they seem to focus on monitoring those who have been caught before, and teaching youth that it's wrong. There is not much for the person who knows they've done it/do it, but haven't been caught legally yet. I am in the same boat as you and as the grad student above. I am joining your pact and checking myself into counselling at my university.

  6. Thank you for posting this pact! I'm so fed up with telling myself I will never do this again and then doing it over and over again like a vicious cycle. The worst thing is that I get so stubborn about leaving my car somewhere that even when friends or my girlfriend tries to take my keys away I turn angry and defiant. The problem is that I have been doing it for so long it's a habit. Alcohol is so tricky because sometimes I can drink and be fine and sometimes I get drunk way too fast so it's hard to gage it. Today I want to make this pact with all of you, that from now on I give my keys to someone after two drinks and I will NOT drink and drive again. I will NOT wake up again not remembering driving myself home. I WILL NOT feel that awful guilt again. It's not worth it. Life is a gift, not a given right.

  7. Thank you for posting this pact. I have been in denial and it is nice to connect with my feelings. Not only did I get done for drink driving and lost my licence for six months, but I have only had it back for less than a month and drunk and drove last night. I feel disgusted in myself and scared that I will do it again. I nearly lost everything last time and it was so painful being without a licence. I don't want to create that again, so am using this Vow to say FROM NOW ON I WILL NOT DRINK AND DRIVE. I CHOOSE TO CREATE ABUNDANCE AND GRATTITUDE IN MY LIFE AND KEEP MYSELF SAFE.

  8. Thank you for providing a site where others can also Vow to stop drinking and driving. I, like others here, have made this horrible decision numerous times to get be hide the wheel of a 6000 pound motor vehicle and drive home while under the influence of alcohol. I have also woken up the next morning countless times and hesitated to look out the window to see if i actually drove and 90% of the time, sure enough my jeep is parked outside. I tell myself that I will walk home, or take a cab and that I will not drive home drunk. But sure enough, the next morning I have foggy memories of driving home. So, I VOW TO STOP DRINKING AND DRIVING. IF I DO DRIVE SOMEWHERE WHERE I WILL BE CONSUMING ALCOHOL, I WILL LOCK MY KEYS IN MY TRUCK AND KEEP THE EXTRA SET AT HOME. I WILL NO LONGER PUT LIVES IN DANGER AND I WILL NO LONGER BE SO IRRISPONSIBLE. I am capable of changing my ways. Thanks again for the site.

  9. Hello everyone, I am so happy I found this website because now i know that im not alone. Im a 20 year old gay boy living in Denver Co and i will be 100% honest, i always drink and drive. I hate that i do so, i honestly want to stop. I know im going to drink and drive before i even start drinking but something about me doesnt feel bad doing it until the next day when i awake thinking "what streets did i take honme?" and "thank the Lord nothing bad happened" followed by "I will never do it again." God has given me many chances and I feel as if im not valuing my life. i dont feel bad about drinking, just about drinking and driving. but i honestly dont know how to stop =(

  10. ...but i Vow, to not drink and drive! i know i can do it! and i will!

  11. i vow to not drink and drive while im driving but i will still drink any other time! so dont tell me i cant okay okay bye!

  12. i hate people who dont drink! i love drinking! if you dont drink start to drink it makes you feel good! and i will drink and drive if i want to hoe! so leave me alone and stop telling people what to do

  13. I'm glad I found this. I'm a lawyer and like the blogger and grad student find my smart self disappearing a few drinks in. i VOW not to drink and drive. A $20 taxi ride is WAY cheaper than a $10,000 dui or worse . . .

  14. I drove drunk for the last time last night. I feel awful for putting boyfriend who was my passenger and others on the road at risk. I had plans to go to a cafe to eat and drink coffee for a couple of hours to sober up, but that sensible idea went out the window when I got behind the wheel and made the drive home. Never again. I vow to never drive drunk again.

  15. Thank you so much for posting this. I had a DWI in 2010 and vowed then to never drink and drive again. I did so well. I had a baby 6 months ago and a friend came to town and I felt like I needed a night out. Honestly we had plan A, B, C, and D. No one could have forecasted we would be kicked out at mid night because my friend was drunk. I wasn't AS bad but still not okay to drive. I chugged some water and sat out on the sidewalk trying to sober up but for some reason we were still just "wanting to go home" so I got behind the wheel. I was in a parking garage and hit the cement wall and scraped up the side of my car (that I still owe on) as well as busted the mirror out. I continued to drive home...with my best friend in the car. We made it home fine but honestly I cannot kick this feeling of guilt. I feel like such a piece of crap. I cannot believe I did this. I have a beautiful child and his whole life ahead of us. I looked at him the next day and broke down. I cannot believe I did this. It was like I was not even in control of my own actions. I HATE this. we can do this. I vow to never drink and drive again.

  16. I’m sorry that you had to learn this lesson the hard way. It’s true that you’re not in the usual you when you're under influence. However, if you have to take some shots, make it sure that you have a designated driver to get you home. Better yet, call a taxi cab or call someone to bring you home if you feel like you can't drive after a few drinks. Stay safe!

    Kim E. Hunter

  17. Thank you for putting yourself out there. I, too, make the same stupid mistake of drinking and driving over and over even though I know not to. How I have not hurt myself or others can only be because of God's protective hand. I have a beautiful family and a wonderful life. I have jeopardized all of that for the last time. I will no longer forget how i made it home. I will never again have to feel the guilt or embarrassment the next day. I VOW TO NEVER DRIVE DRUNK AGAIN. Please say a prayer for me to have the strength to keep this vow. I will pray for all of those fighting a similar battle.


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