Wow! This article was published in Metro Proponent January of this year.
5 Months later it's all coming into fruition-- every single thing I stated in this article.
Speak life and love into everything you do! There's power in words.
Big changes are upon
the horizon. 2014 has a lot in store for us. I am speaking it and
believing this into existence. I hope and pray you do the same.
For me personally, I
am ready to take a big leap of faith in hopes to finally walk into my purpose.
I don't want to chase money, beg for promotions, work holidays and
continually sacrifice my peace and happiness for what other people think I
should do. When you really think about it, are you happy with where you
are in your life? If yes—that’s amazing!
If no, what’s holding you back?
These are the
questions I've asked myself every single day this year. Some days it
brought tears to my eyes because my answer would always end with the same
result- I have bills and need this check. Yes, this is a very serious
reason to stay in your current profession, but it can also keep you there
forever if you let it. Next thing you know ten years have passed, two
kids later, you're in the same house and still hate your job.
I want more. I want so much more and will no longer allow
the little bit that I'm receiving to be okay.
2014 will be a year of new beginnings for me- Mark My Words! I am
ready for change. With all this momentum, keep in mind, with change comes
good and bad. Here’s how we stay positive through this reality. The bad will make us stronger, it will become
our testimony, and it will build character and test our strength. The
good will-- well, you know, it'll be great!
My ultimate goal is to
wake up every day and be happy. I want to walk into my purpose and feel
like I am making a difference. I want to be so in love with what I'm
doing that I don't even know when the check is hitting my account. There
are only a tiny percentage of people that live a fulfilled life like this, but
I am destined to be one of those people, if I have to search my entire life to
get there.
What are you speaking over your life?
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