To Settle… Or Not to Settle?

I’m surrounded by love, but feel loneliness. Is it because I push everyone away who wants to love me? He’s waiting on me to give the cue, but I can’t give it. I’m not ready! Now, I say I’m not ready, but really I am. Is it that I’m just not ready for what he has to offer, or is it that I’m continuously waiting on a fairy tale story to sweep me away? I'm talking Mr. Sexy Knight in Shining Armor! I don’t believe in settling by no means, so what the heck is it? I have loved and I have lost.

 Today, I want nothing more than to love and lose again. For some reason, my intellectual-emotions (funny, those two words make absolutely no sense together) will not allow me to falter into wrongful decisions. I believe in loving and losing because this is all a part of growth, but why for some reason am I hiding behind my own brick wall? This wall which happens to be so strong and tall I can’t even knock it down if I wanted too. Please, I pray to you, get me out of here.


  1. that makes two of hiding behind my wall also...the only guy that actually got through it, ended up playing with me... so i guess that wall is bigger and reinforced now, funny how that works though, even if i want to break that wall, is nearly impossible. maybe someone will come again that will create a door in the wall.

  2. Your Mr. Sexy Knight in Shining Armor is waiting! He's ready to be there and share the joys of life with you...sometimes we have to slow down long enough to see what's right in front of us to appreciate it. We have to ask ourselves exactly who we are and where we are headed in finding the right significant other. We want someone who cares about how our day went..someone that truly supports what we set out to do in life! Get from behind your brick wall and watch what might come your way...May be just what you need!

  3. Remember it is better to love and lost then to never have loved at all! Love Lady J

  4. i completely understand the brick wall, for i too have been behind it. interestingly, in the process of building my wall, i added some ingredients which made it impenetrable, well that's what i thought...until i met a man, who took one good look at this wall i was hiding behind, and decided to just climb over it, instead of trying to knock it down. what im trying to say is, look at the wall you've created, and examine everything that have led you to build this massive brick wall and truly evaluate it. only you can bring yourself from behind your wall...unfortunately mr.sexify knight can not, no matter how he tries. you are absolutely right, do not settle, just remember like everything else, when we need or want something, we go after it. i am a firm believer that the same concept applies to love.

    :-)sweetie ;-)

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  6. As a man I will seek a woman who chooses to follows God's Will rather than my own. Woman was made for man but the creator of all is God. So if you want to break through that wall, serve the Almighty and His rules for righteousness and not the mere man your emotions are enslaved to. This almost guarantees you will never have to settle because he will find you, and when he does, Do Not compromise the Law. Marry Jesus Christ first and then you will be able to discern flattery.

  7. I've grown to realize if we walk the same path it often leads us to the same results. All too many times we are so accustom to our ways and likings that things that are unfamiliar often sways us in the opposite. Honestly, it's about self challenge....breaking out of the box or shell and exploring the unfamiliar. Alot of times our stubborness gets the best of us. As woman, we often time think we know what's best for us. The biggest mistake women make about relationships is discussing it with there female friends. I see this on several occassions.
    While I am I'm a long term relationship with an amazing guy outside of my race, it was taking on that self challenge that has made it successful. Realizing early on that change was imperative. While this is my first bi-racial relationship, if I had not challenge the possible and face the unfamiliar I would not have been able to fill the void. I challenge the readers to face the unfamiliar and give the impossible a chance.

  8. Love the blog spot alot of what u feel let's mr know I'm not alone because I feel the same way at times keep writing and I'll keep readin!


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