I Am Uniquely Qualified

Have you ever felt that there was so much more inside of you than what you're producing daily? Are you hungry for more? That was me. I knew there had to be more out of life. I didn't want to just live, I wanted to thrive. I was destined to figure it out even if it cost me everything. The last day of my job was the day I started writing my first book, "Uniquely Qualified."
In the book, I share the journey of ups and downs because it's not easy. However, it's well worth every hurdle in my opinion.
Today I wake up everyday with joy on my heart. I set the alarm clock for 7:30am, sometimes 8:30am, what the heck some times I just wake up when I feel like it. Every job I work I love. Every person I meet I am eager to hear their story. I walk in freedom. I am self aware. My calling is bold and distinct. I absolutely love life. I make no apologies for who I am and what I stand for. IT IS OBTAINABLE! You are Uniquely Qualified for it already.

Today I thank the storms of my life for blowing me into the direction of my destiny. All storms are not bad.
If any of this sounds familiar to you. I encourage you to get a copy of Uniquely Qualified and read my story. There's a wealth of knowledge in there that I need to get out.
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