I Am Uniquely Qualified

I always knew deep down inside that I wanted to write a book.  However, the infamous question kept popping up in my mind, "What are you going to write about J?"  It all came to me a a few years later when I was in the storm of my life.  I was lost and left hopeless.  I felt stuck, alone and wanted to give up.

Have you ever felt that there was so much more inside of you than what you're producing daily?  Are you hungry for more?  That was me. I knew there had to be more out of life.  I didn't want to just live, I wanted to thrive. I was destined to figure it out even if it cost me everything.  The last day of my job was the day I started writing my first book, "Uniquely Qualified."

In the book, I share the journey of ups and downs because it's not easy.  However, it's well worth every hurdle in my opinion.

Today I wake up everyday with joy on my heart.  I set the alarm clock for 7:30am, sometimes 8:30am, what the heck some times I just wake up when I feel like it.  Every job I work I love.  Every person I meet I am eager to hear their story.  I walk in freedom.  I am self aware.  My calling is bold and distinct.  I absolutely love life. I make no apologies for who I am and what I stand for. IT IS OBTAINABLE! You are Uniquely Qualified for it already.

Today I thank the storms of my life for blowing me into the direction of my destiny.  All storms are not bad.

If any of this sounds familiar to you.  I encourage you to get a copy of Uniquely Qualified and read my story.  There's a wealth of knowledge in there that I need to get out.

Blessings to you in reaching your destiny. Let's dance on the way!


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