One of Life's Unanswered Questions

What do YOU do when a loved one is out of reach?? By out of reach I mean literally out of reach and/or figuratively. Each of us deal with separation from loved ones. What is the best way to allow for life to go on? Whether it’s a military separation, prison sentence, hospital diagnosis or your loved one has detached emotionally from the relationship, what are we supposed to do next? I am having a problem with this. Part of me feels I can’t go on with my life because it’s not fair to HIM. The other part of my soul is saying I need to respectfully move on. It’s sad, it’s hard and it just downright sucks!!! What's a girl to do??


  1. First I had to give myself permission to feel the way I did, whether it was anger towards him for leaving, or a sense of devastation at my life as it was. And then I had to take each day at a time. It was funny because he took up every bit of my time when he was at home. It used to exasperate me that my entire day was structured around him, but when he was gone for two years I would have gave anything to have my entire day be consumed by spending time together. It was truly one of the hardest situations I have ever had to adapt to. I kept myself busy with work, school and of course the biggest help ever was friends and family support, just venting my feelings or going out with the girls was enough to keep me going and I found that the busier I was, the less time I had to dwell. Not saying that I didn’t have my moments, but the hardest time was in the beginning. I kept in touch with him whether by in-person visits, phone calls or letters. And I learned to set short –term goals rather than long-term goals. For me it was a lot easier to look forward to seeing him in 2-3 months for a visit than to look forward to his arrival in 2 years. And of course just as hard as it was for me can you imagine what he was going through? Anyone who leaves a love one worries that their family or girlfriend might not keep in touch with them, you say that you will stand by them and stay in touch but as the months turn into years, the commitment of a relationship begins to get weaker for lack of personal touch and conversation, and people gradually drift apart. Sometimes it happens and both sides can be cool with that. But many times one side will take it harder. I had to put the situation into perspective, life for him and I wasn’t the same but hope wasn’t lost. My mom use to tell me this saying “if it’s meant to be, it will be, If God has something or someone else planned for your future then don’t block it” I hated hearing that but it was the truth, I believed that you shouldn’t settle for the one you can live with wait for the one you can’t live without, and I followed that


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