The Overwhelming Sensation

I am so excited to share the news with you!!! I am going to audition for Oprah!!! Yes, it’s true. I know some of you will be like, “Good luck, but there’s no way in the world you’re going to get it”. As much as I love your realism in that statement, here’s what I have to say, “I will make it and I will go all the way to the top”. I feel extremely blessed in my life and if this is God’s plan it will happen. He pointed me in this direction so that means something right?

I have everything Oprah’s looking for talent, humor, personality and a vision. My vision is to bring unity to women. There’s this thing called a man code but what the heck, where is our code of ethics? I feel if we (ladies) united more, we would find much more success than if we continue to size each other up the second a woman does something we do not understand. I’m the first to admit for the longest I played around with saying,” I don’t like women or all my friends are guys, etc”. Now I see what I’ve been missing, what we all have been missing. I just witnessed a woman today express to me how she felt a little resentment for another woman in her life. I spoke the word of God to her and said, “The best thing to do is forgive, embrace your love for one another and free yourself of feeling animosity towards her or the situation”. No lie, five minutes later she called back so ecstatic. She picked up the phone called her girlfriend and just said, “I love you”. This is my vision.

I feel nervous, I feel scared, and most of all I feel embarrassed for what it is I’m about to do, But God says, “Fear Not”. I have been hit with the confidence to give my all and shoot for the stars. I want this so bad I can hardly breathe. I pray for strength and guidance at this time and ask for all the support and prayers you can possibly give.

Please post your comments. Your thoughts are extremely welcomed!!!!


  1. That's awesome Jacinda! I'm sending fab vibes to you, I hope you get them! I hope that they see all that you can offer and more. :D

  2. Jacinda, I have faith that when one door closes another shall open only to present you with a bigger and better opportunity in life! I wish you the absolute best of luck in all of your endeavors! God is with you at all times keep you faith strong as he will guide you through anything you set your mind to! As for Sex in the City 2 I saw it Monday night it is GREAT!!! I will say it is a happy ending not like part 1 at all :) might tear up a tiny bit ok ok I know shhh I might be telling too much but you are sure to love it have a GREAT TIME!!!!


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