What is SUCCESS to you?

Success for the average person is defined as wealth. Wealth as in money, cars, elaborate homes, clothes, jewelry and fancy vacations. I have a couple of examples to support this claim, all the Real House Wives series and Basketball Wives BAM! Is this how you view success? It’s okay if you do. No shame in your game, but I view success differently. Success (to me) equals pure HAPPINESS!

If I can comfortably pay my own bills, I’m okay. Life should never be about how much money I make. Life is about the relationships and love you encounter during the journey. I’m currently reading, “The Purpose Driven Life” by Rick Warren and I want to leave you with this quote, “The best use of life is love. The best expression of love is time. The best time to love is now”. I couldn’t agree with this quote more. I am unemployed, living in an apartment, leasing my car and guess what? I am successful. I couldn’t be in love with life more…


  1. I couldn't agree with you more. Success is a state of mind. Love,happiness, friends and family. Where you are today to have peace of mind. Live life to the fullest everyday. Share the love and happiness. To you I am proud. I Love you MORE!

  2. Success...

    How can one know success without knowing the creator of success itself?

    I think Success is a simple recipe, with FAITH in the Lord Jesus Chirst = THE Source

    Knowing the heart,mind and words of the Source from which you come...(Relationship)

    Sharing and Serving the purpose and vision, the Source has for you...(Love)

    Obeying the Source is like a road map for paths fulfilled on your journey and it Pleases the Source's Heart (Faith)

    Giving Glory and Honor to the Source...which is your reward(Success)

    Proverbs 16:3
    Commit to the LORD whatever you do,and your plans will succeed...

    Matthew 25:21
    'Well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things. Come and share your master's happiness!'

    Romans 12:2
    Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.

    Its been a plum, pleasing, pleasure and a privilege co-create a blessed day!!!

  3. P.S.

    Forgot My TV example of success...


  4. My success is abundant, and I share my abundance by serving others.

    Sharing love and kindness comes naturally, like smiling at a stranger, helping a neighbor, cooking a meal, hugging a child. When someone needs help or support, I give freely and easily. These are blessings of God expressing through me and as me.

    My life in turn is abundantly blessed by all that I receive--a thoughtful note from a friend, the gift of a brilliant sunrise, a good night's sleep. My abundance is not measured by money or possessions. Instead, my abundance reflects the moment-to-moment blessings of God in my life.

    Giving and receiving are bound tightly together. As I turn my thoughts to the blessings of life today, I am full of gratitude for each one given and received.

    The measure you give will be the measure you get, and still more will be given you.--Mark 4:24


  5. Success is when a person decides to stop lying to themself...

  6. Success to me depends not so much on what I've managed to attain in life, but how I've managed to maintain in life! It’s about having a vision and a sense of purpose and manifesting that vision in reality. It’s the feeling of accomplishment that you get from being able to create your own life…………..What makes you happy!!!

  7. Success is when someone reaches a goal that they set for themselves. Success shouldn't be measured by what other people say or do but by the individual. If we continue to believe that success is measured by what other people think you should be accomplishing then you the individual will never reach ultimate success... fulfilling yourself.

    With Best,


  8. Success comes when you know that you've done something that will enrich you or someone around you, either directly or indirectly. I believe that both good and bad success exist, but it's the good success that will give you a true sense of fulfillment. The drug dealer on the street that drives a hot car and is feared in the community has success as well, but his success will lead to his destruction. Good success will foster a certain level of respect and pride. You are successful when you are proud to talk about what you've done because you know the effect has changed someone, even if it's yourself.


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