Can You See Love?

I remember the moment I fell in love with my ex-boyfriend (funny I have to put the ‘ex’ in there). I was at his house, we were shooting pool and laughing hysterically all night. I remember sitting on his lap and out of nowhere it just hit me like a ton of bricks- Jacinda fell in love at that very moment. That day plays over and over in my mind so much that I can almost feel the rush of emotions right now. Do you remember the moment you fell in love? Is it possible to remember the single moment you fell in love?

So this takes me to my next question, can there be this same type of so-called, ‘defining moment’ for if you fall out of love? I ask because this same man I’m referencing I spoke with over the weekend, and after years and years of proving my loyalty to him he still finds it within himself to question my actions and motives concerning other men. Well guess what? To his shock and amazement that phone call did something to me. By the time I hung up I felt complete and utter... EMPTINESS. Did I just fall out of love? I never remember feeling love go so fast before. Has this ever happened to you?


  1. Believe it or not, the 3 times I've fallen in love, they were truly love at first site experiences! I knew the moment we locked eyes for the first time that I was going to fall head over heels in love with these men and have long term relationships with them.

  2. I have loved 4 times and am still in that 4th love.
    #1 - I realized it at a concert, and having never had a serious boyfriend before, I analyzed it, and realized it was love. I had never truly loved someone until him. I missed him so and couldn't wait to see him. He was my first love.
    #2 - One of the best guys I ever knew, although we are not in touch anymore. When I realized he was the best person in my life, my best friend, my protector, and regardless of where we went relationship wise, there was love between us. He wanted to share his future with me.
    #3 - We never said the words, but I have always felt this connection. We dated, became best friends after dating, and have been in each other's lives ever since. He will always be there for me, as I will be for him. Drama occurs because of our connection, chemisry and feelings, but we care very much and have a love for one another. I was in love with him 3 years ago and put my heart on the line, yet he wasn't ready, and I moved on.
    #4 - I fell hard and fast, and am still in it 2 years later; my longest /best relationship to this day. He is my best friend, and, someone I believe in whole heartedly and who has made me a stronger, and better person. He's shaped me to be my own person and stand up for what I believe, and given me something and the strength I never thought I'd be capable of. He is always there for me in any way for any thing.


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