I’ve never Felt so Alive

I have always been the girl who prays to God like this, “God, when you think I’m ready and the time is right will you point me to the man of my dreams”. Not that I ever felt urgency for finding a man, I enjoyed being what I call, “Super Single”. Well, the beginning of this year was different for me. I noticed my prayer request starting to change. It went a little something like this, “God, do you think I’m ready yet? I would really love for you to shine your light among the one who you deem as my Mr. Right”. I felt at this time God whispered to me that this year would be my year. I kept thinking God was referencing a new job or more income but then it hit me like a ton of bricks that what God was telling me was this year would be the year I would meet my match.

So, are you ready to hear how we met? Yes, how my new man and I met? Introduced by mutual friends I, Jacinda Garabito now find myself in love with a wonderful man. A man that is perfectly flawed with imperfections - sounds crazy right? We deemed it LOVE AT FIRST CONVERSATION. The attraction was that of opposite magnets, immediate and strong. Oh but the conversation...that was the driving force behind all we hold dear. Yeah we fast forwarded right past the “I like you” butterflies. The days spent together seem to just fly by, yet the nights apart feel of eternity. I won't chalk it up as "bliss" because there’s something much deeper happening here, more of an abyss of love that has provided me with the best few months I have ever endured relationship-wise.

Often times life’s trials and tribulations leave us shaking in our boots. Rather you are finally deciding to move out of momma's house, start your own business, finding out you’re going to be a parent for the first time, or my new favorite "falling out of like and into love". This is living is what I call living. This is “Life”. I must admit I was somewhat timid, scared even, to feel such strong feelings for someone in such a short amount of time. I battled with the premise of it all only to conclude it’s more than worth it. I've never experienced vulnerability of this magnitude, but it far outweighs the alternative of having never experienced the gift of true love. If our journey grows in unity or our relationship hits a dead end, I am forever grateful to have caught a glimpse of what could be. As it stands now, I choose to live life abundantly and enjoy life’s blessings rather than to run away because of fear, doubt, or insecurity. I now must pose the question to you: What’s holding you back in your life?

Jacinda Lee Garabito...


  1. God's Surprise

    There is no surprise more magical than the surprise of being loved: It is God's finger on man's shoulder.

    Charles Morgan


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