I Breathe and Say.... Thank You GOD

My Life has taken a hard road this past year and a half. Many of you can probably relate. Money doesn’t flow as freely as it use to. I will admit there’s a little side of me which references things I would like to have. Back in the day I would go buy them, today they just sit on a mental ‘wish list’. The first thing on my list is to get a new car- who wouldn’t? I’ve had my current car for a couple years and the mileage is getting high, so I’m thinking lets upgrade that bad-boy. The second item on my ‘wish list’ is to fix my diamond ring. Throughout the years it lost two of its tiny diamonds and of course I’m not happy about this. I reminisce on the day I bought it. I rushed over to the store to put it on. It looked so big and shiny on my hand. Today, there are days and even weeks I find myself not wearing it. This has taught me not to put so much value in tangible items because they do not bring lasting happiness to the soul. They may make you smile initially but what about when they break, or rust or something hotter and newer comes out. You find yourself setting it aside to jump onto the next thing. If we all looked at ourselves in the mirror and found the richness is inside of us we can find complete and utter happiness.
We think of Trump and Oprah as two individuals that have it all. I bet there are still moments in their lives that make them smile with pure joy. I’m sure Oprah’s “Aw” moments are monetarily free and set her heart afloat. I am assuming they are moments like receiving a simple kiss from a loved one, a hug from a genuine stranger, watching a child smile or overlooking a spectacular view. She referenced some of these moments during her finale show. Now here’s the kicker, these things happen in our lives every day but we’re sometimes so consumed with wanting more tangible items that we miss what’s right in front of us. These priceless moments can touch your spirit in such a sincere and gentle way the memory in itself can last a lifetime.
Driving home this evening I took a deep breath and just whispered, “Thank you God” because he has made me rich. I am rich in freedom, inner peace, love, pure happiness, hope and faith- just to name a few. I am stopping to smell the roses so-to-speak and not allowing myself to consistently want for more. I am grateful for the now! I may not be where I want to be financially or where I should be career-wise but I do know I am exactly where I need to be so I will relish in that fact. I would not change this for the world!
There is not one tangible item that can buy a smile on my face to last a lifetime. My inner richness last forever. Today I am smiling in my regular car and old diamond ring. Life is good. Wouldn’t you agree?
am totally astonished by this beautiful story. may god bless you, forever!