My Testimony: God Spoke To Me Today

I'm currently sitting in Barnes and Nobles. What use to be my favorite place in the whole world, now has become a place from my distant past.  It didn’t matter how bad of a mood I was in I could always come here to relax.  I would get a coffee and plop my butt down with 5 books in front of me to escape my reality.  It was my place of peace until one day some man tried to holla at me.  To me it was simple.  Can’t you see I’m busy reading? But no this man couldn’t just leave it alone.  He looked at it as a missed opportunity if he didn’t speak.  He stole me away from my place serenity with his wack lines and utter annoyance.  FYI- Nice dude but I had to hit him with the, “I’m sorry but I’m not interested” line. Ever since that day my Barnes and Nobles experience has never been the same. That is, until today. 

I had missed my appointment at the Apple store so I decided to grab a coffee and make the best of it.  To my surprise the only Starbucks was next door inside the Barnes and Nobles.  I did the usual.  I grabbed my coffee and started to skim through the numerous aisles.  For some strange reason, I felt too lazy to even think of lifting my Starbucks coffee in the direction of a book.  I use to love romance novels or a good self improvement book but not today.  As I walked through both levels of the book store it hit me that I wanted to find the religious aisle. As I walked over I immediately felt a rush of emotions fall upon me.   My heart took me straight to one tiny book. It was almost hiding. I smiled as I picked it up.  As I opened the book I started to cry right there in that book store.  My Holy Spirit was telling me there's a message in this book for me to read.  The book is titled, 'Who Speaks To Your Heart'. I have been praying for God to speak to me over an issue in my life and low-&-behold the page I go to explains just how to handle the situation. 

Every word I read as I skimmed through books opened up my heart to so many thoughts. Things I haven’t thought about in months.  There was so much power that followed behind every word. In a matter of seconds so many thoughts ran through my mind as to how I can make my life better. How I can show God in my life more clearly. I had to sit down so fast because the outpouring of God was too much to handle standing up. I am grateful for this moment for it shows just how magnificent our creator is. 

I bought the book of course but only after I sat down to write this to you. This is an experience of how God moves through my life at times.  How does he move through yours?


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