Never Felt.....

Love that makes me smile so big. Love that makes me cry so hard. Love that scares me to my soul. I know love is an action but have you ever felt so much love by just looking at 'The One'?

I love him. More than words can describe. More than my actions can show. When he looks at me I see love in his eyes. Love so tender and so sweet. I feel love in his touch. I see kindness in his approach for we are still learning each other's movements. The love I have for him is more than I ever felt in my life. It's something I always yearned for. Its what so many told me doesn't exist. I believe in miracles and I believe in love. I love him.

I am ready to give my all for this man. Ready to fight the big fight. The reason why I know so pure is because things that use to bother me dont anymore. When I notice something of distaste I simply whisper, "I love him" and in an instance it's gone. The issue then becomes my past and he has returns as my present.

I see overwhelming distraught when it comes to what I'm about to embark on- Marriage. I am scared. Will we fall victim? Will we endure forever? What I can say with a shadow of a doubt is, "It doesnt matter what happens in the end, all that matters is that I am doing it with him". I want to win with him but if I don't I'm happy I got to embark on this journey- With Him! I'm happy I got to feel this love. I happy and ever so Blessed to feel true love to this magnitude.

The type of love that makes you not care about anything but him. The kind of love that takes your breath away every time you see him for the first time. The love that makes you spray his cologne on your pillow because he's not there. The love that makes you smile (literally) when you take that first sniff of it. The love that makes you want to show him off to the whole world. The love that makes you feel that the whole world is at your finger tips when you're just laying in his arms. The love that has you daydreaming during your favorite movie. The love that makes you reach for his hand every second.  The love that makes you miss him even when he's right next to you. 

The love that makes you stop what you're doing and just write....

I love you Ro- Thank you for loving me as much as you do.


  1. Hi Jacinda. We met once, one day when a guy on a scooter showed up at BTV to look around the weather center with Eric! First you're doing wonderfully well working with my Facebook friend Morgan at Fox Charlotte! I enjoy what you're doing there!

    This post touched my heart. So I write to tell you that, as long as your mission is to show God in all you do, as you have written elsewhere here, all will be blessed for you and Robert.

    My wife and I have 30 years in as of last December. It's not perfect, it's not what it was in 1981, dreams have died but we've survived. There are three areas that will hurt or kill a marriage. You can avoid one by letting whichever of you is better at handling money do so and another by working hard to never let go of the feelings you describe about him in the paragraph about the kind of love you have.

    The third is more challenging. You will not be exactly who you are today in 5 years, or 10 or 20. Neither will he. The ability to adapt to and accept the changing people you become will be absolutely crucial. Please don't let that add to any fears. Because I end by drawing your attention back to where I began.

    As long as your mission is to show God in all you do, all will be blessed for you and Robert. I hope you will let God take away the fear and "overwhelming distraught". :)

    Dave Hardin
    Newton, NC
    Newton, NC


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