How Can So Right Be So Wrong?

 Have you ever went through life knowing that something is completely off... just downright wrong? I'm in that zone. Everyone is happy for me. Everyone is looking at me. I should be happy about it too but my stomach is in knotts. It's not for me. I did it. I tried it. Now I'm fighting with it. What did I get myself into? Now I'm searching for a way to get out but all I can do it look up. God lead me. Govern my steps. Did you want me here for some particular reason? Should I feel this way? Did you lead me here or was I misguided? I regroup daily to put on that smiley face. On my good days I am great but on a bad day I can't hide it. I've been down this road before. I was happy to see that road come to a dead end. I know this one is coming. Am I going to ruin it? Should I be grateful for it? It's hard.
Being stuck between a rock and a hard spot is the saddest place to be in life. Life should be enjoyed. This is why God put us here. When do we draw the line on thinking we have all this time to live and knowing that tomorrow isn't promised?   

I had a good friend tell me,
"Go J, follow your heart. At the end of the day that's all you have."


  1. It's times like this that those living according to the Holy Spirit, may jump ship.

    Relinquishing all power is fun when things are comfortable, but the discomfort stems from fighting the urge to manipulate or conjure up something just in case "God doesn't come through."

    One of the maaaaaany benefits of working for the Holy Spirit is, when we get out of alignment, we can get back in, and things still work out. It has to, because it is all for His Glory. HALLELUJAH!

    Living according to the Holy Spirit is a fool-proof plan. Believe me, I have executed many a fool-ish plans and this one ain't one of them.

    I will pray for you to continue to ask, "How high?", when the Holy Spirit says, "JUMP!" It's all a testimony to bring Him Glory that can only be witnessed by going through. Amen? Check it out! :-)


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