How did you get to know God?

I was speaking to a friend and he asked me how I got to know God. I think it was one of the greatest questions anyone has ever asked. As he listened I rolled out this long story about how God called me. That's how I feel I met him. I feel he's always watched over me bringing me closer to him one obstacle at a time. Slowly dimming the light on the path I was on and taking me to a better journey. One that is promising, one that endures forever. I really feel God knew me all along. He was just waiting on me to know him.

My coworker began to tell me how much he loves hearing stories of how people grow to know the Lord. I encouraged him to write a book about it lol!

I would love for you to share. How long did God wait for you?

How did you get to know God?


  1. I would love for you to share. How long did God wait for you?
    Approximately 30 years.

    How did you get to know God?
    Child birth! After having my first baby, the whole labor and delivery... ONLY God. Then this little beautiful human, I just knew that I needed to do what it takes for her to, if anything else, get back to heaven when her time comes. Somewhere between that moment and now, God brought me to His Son, Jesus. HALLELUJAH! I am so grateful. I thought I messed up too bad, but nope. Just like Resurrection, I can get back up again, just like Jesus did for us. HALLELUJAH!

  2. My father already explained who God, Jesus and Mary were. He sat me down as a little kid and told me the whole story of how Jesus came to be. He also explained the scientific version with the evolution of apes. For the most part we only attended services on holidays and when I got a little older I went to bible school.
    From what I can remember God started calling me in middle school. I started attending a Sunday Catholic services with my boyfriend and his father. After our relationship ended I still went to service by myself which was weird of course (you know how that goes) but for some reason I always felt the need to get up on a Sunday by myself to attend service. I started attending nondenominational services soon after. These experiences were quite shocking from traditional catholic services but I was open to what I call “Church Shopping”. I got saved in college and it wasn’t until I moved to Charlotte 5 years ago that I truly started to understand what it means to be a Christian and to be Saved. I got baptized as an adult and started for the first time ever making the right choices in my life. God has always called me but when I was young and dumb I couldn’t hear him clear enough. Now my communication with him is Bold and it feels good.


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