Looking To Make A Difference

I've been given the most amazing opportunity- to spotlight amazing people in the community. Is that you? Keep reading... I'll fill you in on the whole story.

For a while now I have been lost and confused with my chosen career. I didn't know what I wanted and I wasn't sure what I was working towards. You know that fork-in-the-road when you start to question the path you've been on. I was praying for direction but the answers were blurry. Finally I raised my hands and said, "God you know what, I'm not going to move until you tell me what to do. I don't care if it takes two months or two years I will practice patience until you speak to me." Low and behold a few weeks later (Thank God) he spoke to me and told me exactly what to do. It was scary at the thought but I did exactly what he said and Glory be to God I now have this amazing opportunity to showcase organizations in the community that do amazing work for others. My motivation in doing this is to hopefully inspire others to make positive changes as well.

The second I booked the first interview something changed in me. I finally found my passion in life. These days negativity leads our culture. For those of us in dire need of constant inspiration this spotlight can do just that. There's no telling what doors God will open from here.  I know one things for certain, if I would have given up back when I was feeling empty and confused I would have never received my breakthrough from God. If I didn't wait on the Lord he would have never showed me what to do. If I didn't do exactly what God asked me to do (even though I was scared) I would NOT have received the Blessing that was waiting for me. Never give up! When times get tough pray. Sometimes we are so close to our Blessing we don't even realize it.

I purposely shared my testimony today because the person I'm looking to interview may be YOU. I am looking for a person who gives graciously without ever receiving a thank you. I am looking for the people who have huge hearts. I am seeking organizations who work tirelessly for the benefit of others. The people who never want for anything in return. The person who receives personal gratification when they see how their hardwork has impacted someone else in need. I am looking for people who feel if they have helped one person they have made a difference. The people who know a smile is worth priceless.

If you know a person or an organization that deserves this platform please let me know. My goal is to use their story to inspire others to make a difference. Please share contact information below or email me Ms.Jacinda@Gmail.com.

These are the stories I have aired already.

30 Charlotteans Climb Mt. Kilimanjaro For A Cause

Dentist Gives Free Dental Checks Ups

Jacinda Garabito


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