Needing That Ammunition

 Through my personal trials and tribulations I have learned one thing- You need stored up ammunition to shoot down your enemy.

When 2012 began I was slowly coming down from a natural high set by the year prior. 2011 was probably one of the best years of my life. I met and fell in love with a wonderful man. I felt feelings I never knew existed. I tasted true love and felt butterflies in my stomach you only hear about in love stories. It's fair to say the beginning of 2012 was somewhat of a twilight zone. The "Coming to Reality" part was difficult and I tackled my first set of road blocks empty handed. I was knocked down repeatedly, until I found myself in the bed with overwhelming feelings of hopelessness. 

I prayed… Lord knows, I prayed.  During this time I learned when the devil tries to take you down you need bible ammunition to stop him in his tracks. I needed scripture versus as my weapons. You store up ammunition by spending time with God.  Sometimes we get so sidetracked with life’s daily tasks that Jesus Christ ends up taking a back seat to everything we have going on in our lives.  I personally needed to reprioritize. I need to spend just as much time with Jesus as I do with anything else.

I had a bible my entire life but I didn’t know how to read it.  It just didn’t make sense to me.  So when I graduated from college in 2006, my best friend's mother gave me a bible called the Holy Book. It's in New Living Translation.  For the first time, I am reading and more importantly understanding the word.  Aside from reading it during church services and bible studies, last year I started to read the bible on my own- daily.  Without even knowing it, I started to build up ammunition. I also started memorizing scripture versus that are near and dear to my heart.  Shoot I memorize songs on the radio, why not be able to recite bible verses that can help shoot down the enemy? 

I have made a pact with myself to speak to the Lord first thing in the morning before turning over and accessing my email. I have learned to spend time with Him every day, not just on Sunday. The more time I spend devoted to him the more ammunition I have building up inside of me to fight the devil when he tries to take a stab at me. I have started to look forward to these times spent alone with him. I have found myself about to go to sleep and sometimes I can't wait for the morning hours so I can wake up and learn more.

I have to remember when times get better... (Because they're will) I must not let up on my daily time spent with God. He is my weapon against defeat. He is my weapon against darkness. He is my weapon against hopelessness.

Spend time with God daily. When you have problems go back to the scripture for advice. Lean on him for strength. This helped me get through 2012. I pray you will find solace in this peaceful morning time with God as I have.


  1. For many years I had trouble reading the bible everyday. But then the words became life for me and began flowing out and into my soul...I began to realize how the daily voices we take in and lean towards affect us, if not immediately, then definitely when night falls and we are in our beds. It is so good to lean into Jesus. It is now hard to go long without His word. I need it! It truly is powerful ammunition against the enemy!


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