Soaring Higher and Higher
I have started taking a huge interest in hawks. I've never noticed them before. I've maybe seen 3 in my entire life. Recently, I see them everywhere! This alone made me stop and wonder. The logical side of me knows its mating season and probably normal for hawks to be flying around. The other side, wonders if there's a meaning behind these miraculous hawk sightings?
I was on on a 6 hour road trip just the other day and I easily saw 12 hawks during the course of our travels. At one point, I noticed 5 hawks perched on a billboard sign. It felt
like something was smacking me in the face saying, "Do you see us now?"

The hawk animal is a messenger. These sightings represent a spiritual awakening. Hawks soar high above the trees, but have keen
eye sight to see even the smallest animal on the ground. The message I am receiving has to do with being able to see more clearly and entering into a new spiritual dimension. Hawk Spiritual Meaning
I'm blown away by this research, but I don't want to jump on the crazy train just yet, so I decide to test my hawk sightings.
Within the last couple weeks I took two small road trips with friends. I waited to see if they spotted the hawks I was continuously noticing. When no one else saw them I decided to point them out myself, but every single time they would reply, "Where?"
How amazing! The hawks are certainly there, it's just up to us to notice them or not.
This made me wonder how many things happen in the course of a day that we miss. How many Blessings does God shine on us and we walk right past them. Seeing these hawks give me a sense of awareness. They make me take a brief moment to say, "God I see you. I hear you AND thank you."
Do you have special moments in your life where God is speaking to you?
Thank you for giving me the opportunity to soar higher.

How amazing! The hawks are certainly there, it's just up to us to notice them or not.
This made me wonder how many things happen in the course of a day that we miss. How many Blessings does God shine on us and we walk right past them. Seeing these hawks give me a sense of awareness. They make me take a brief moment to say, "God I see you. I hear you AND thank you."
Do you have special moments in your life where God is speaking to you?
Thank you for giving me the opportunity to soar higher.
-- JG
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