The Secret to Happiness

I can honestly see
this working. There’s a lot of truth to thinking positively
and believing in success, but I stumbled upon my own answer.
The secret to happiness in my eyes is GIVING. Yep, it’s that simple. If you are wishing for a Blessing you must first be the blessing. When you give to someone without wanting anything back in return the reward co
Some of us may
be looking for happiness in all the wrong places. If you’re looking for happiness in money and
positive thinking the problem arises in that it only focuses on self. The want for more money is so you can live
comfortably. Yes, many of us say want
to be able to take care of family and friends, but that is only after we no longer
have to struggle for it. Positive
thinking solely helps you make progressive steps toward a happier tomorrow. None of these steps toward happiness factor
in anyone else.
My advice to
others when they’re down, sad, mad or confused—go be a Blessing. Things will slowly start to turn around in
your life. Give without any expectations
and watch what happens! It’s not about
you. It was never about you.
Give and Give generously!
-- JG
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