Detoxing Your Mind
A few weeks ago I participated in my first cleansing
detox. It was quite difficult; I’m not
going to lie. This detox consisted of 5
days with no solid foods and the 6th & 7th days you
were only allowed fruits and veggies. The
first 3 days I solely drank the lemonade detox mixture (recipe below). The final two days I made fruit infused detoxifying
drinks. The last two days of fruits and
veggies allowed for a nice transition back into the world of solid food again.

The Dark Side
Being deprived from food had my mind in pure panic
mode. My every thought consisted of food. I wanted to quit every second of the day to
go get Arby’s. First of all, I haven’t
had Arby’s in years so I have no idea where that came from. Some of the other foods I craved were Five
Guys, pizza, and tacos, etc. There was
one instance where I was thinking about something for work and out of nowhere I
had a vision of sautéing sausages and cutting up peppers and onions. Where did this even come from? This is my mind on a detox.

Strong Body
My body on the other hand was perfectly fine. Do you hear me? Perfectly fine! Drinking water was all the nourishment my
body needed. If I was hungry I would
drink and most of the time I would actually feel full. One red flag is to make sure your body is
still getting the sugar it needs. The
lemon detox is great for providing a balance.
Pay attention to your body.
We're Blessed
Another eye opener was the realization of just how Blessed
we are to eat when we feel hungry. I
thought of communities and cultures that still have to hunt for their next
meal. I thought about our ancestors,
they did not have the luxury of eating different kinds of foods or eating
throughout the day. What a Blessing! Thank
you Lord.
In all honesty, I am happy I tried it. I learned so much about myself, my weaknesses
and my strengths. Now let's eat!
Lemonade Detox
2 Liter Bottle
4 Lemons
3 Pinches of Cayenne Pepper
140 ml of Maple Syrup
Pure Distilled Water
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