Detoxing Your Mind

A few weeks ago I participated in my first cleansing detox.  It was quite difficult; I’m not going to lie.  This detox consisted of 5 days with no solid foods and the 6th & 7th days you were only allowed fruits and veggies.  The first 3 days I solely drank the lemonade detox mixture (recipe below).  The final two days I made fruit infused detoxifying drinks.  The last two days of fruits and veggies allowed for a nice transition back into the world of solid food again. 

During this detox I developed a new found respect for food.  I have a craving to taste bold flavors, see grandiose colors, and only eat foods that are worth it.  I have not given fast food a thought since the detox.  I learned, when something has been taken away from you, you develop a new found respect for it once it’s back in your life. Today, I appreciate a healthy balance of food and sweets. Goal accomplished!

The Dark Side
Being deprived from food had my mind in pure panic mode.  My every thought consisted of food.  I wanted to quit every second of the day to go get Arby’s.  First of all, I haven’t had Arby’s in years so I have no idea where that came from.  Some of the other foods I craved were Five Guys, pizza, and tacos, etc.  There was one instance where I was thinking about something for work and out of nowhere I had a vision of sautéing sausages and cutting up peppers and onions.  Where did this even come from?  This is my mind on a detox. 
A detox to this magnitude solely breaks down your mind.  Most of us have been raised to eat breakfast, lunch and dinner.  Not being able to eat naturally can throw your thoughts into frenzy.   

Strong Body
My body on the other hand was perfectly fine.  Do you hear me? Perfectly fine!  Drinking water was all the nourishment my body needed.  If I was hungry I would drink and most of the time I would actually feel full.  One red flag is to make sure your body is still getting the sugar it needs.  The lemon detox is great for providing a balance.  Pay attention to your body. 

We're Blessed
Another eye opener was the realization of just how Blessed we are to eat when we feel hungry.  I thought of communities and cultures that still have to hunt for their next meal.  I thought about our ancestors, they did not have the luxury of eating different kinds of foods or eating throughout the day.  What a Blessing! Thank you Lord.

In all honesty, I am happy I tried it.  I learned so much about myself, my weaknesses and my strengths.  Now let's eat!

Lemonade Detox
2 Liter Bottle
4 Lemons
3 Pinches of Cayenne Pepper
140 ml of Maple Syrup
Pure Distilled Water


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