Can't Quit

I love this picture! It truly speaks to my heart.  Never quit.  Never stop.  You’re much closer then you think.

I feel like the minor on the bottom who is so close to reaching the gold but he doesn’t even know it.  All he knows is he’s been mining for a long time with no reward.  When do you call it quits?  The answer is you never quit. You know the saying, “Quitters never win and winners never quit.” 

I am in the process of writing my very first book.  It’s called, Uniquely Qualified.  You are Uniquely Qualified to walk into the destiny God has designed for you.  God has given me the words to write this book.  He has taken me down a journey that now I must share.  There are so many great pieces of advice in this book; I can’t wait for it to be published.  On the flip-side, this is one of the most strenuous, meticulous processes I have ever endured.  Even during grad school writing 75-100 page papers was not as difficult as this.  It feels as if every time I successfully progress into the next phase of writing here comes a long list of new tasks to go over.  This becomes a nightmare when you have 200 pages to go through with a fine tooth comb.

I pour my frustrations on this blank screen I want to encourage you as well as myself to not quit.  Even if you can only TRY for one second, one minute, one day etc.  It’s an accomplishment.  You’re closer today then you were yesterday.  Many times you’re a lot closer then you think.  The only way you will ever know is to keep going. So Go!

- Jacinda ( Future Author)


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