
Me & Dokke

They come and go. Some leave a lasting imprint on your for life, while others well...

When I moved away from home (Hampton Virginia) I relocated to Charlotte where I knew absolutely no one. All I prayed for was to be surrounded by good people. God is an awesome God and he heard my cries. I met so many wonderful people in Charlotte it is astonishing. I left behind childhood friends thinking I would never be able to fill that void, but low-and-behold I made friends in a short amount of time who have taught me so many beautiful things about life, loyalty and love.

Does time really characterize a real friend? At this time in my life I have to answer no. Some friendships are instantaneous and last forever while other friendships may take a little bit longer to grow.

I have met an amazing human being and while I’ve only known him for a couple years; today I call him my best friend. I appreciate him so much for all he’s taught me and truthfully for him just being who he is inside. I couldn’t be happier to see his life flourish into bigger and better things but when I think about the imprint he’s made in my life it makes me smile and cry at the same time. I am so happy God put him in my life and allowed me to open my heart and meet a new friend.

May God Continue to Bless you Dokke!

Jacinda Lee Garabito


  1. You know J. This post really hits home. I recently lost a good friend of mine at age 27 to brain cancer. He was one of the few people that was ALWAYS there for me, no matter what. Losing him has opened my eyes to the value of friendship and the importance of cherishing every aspect of it.

    You know as well as I do that many people we meet, especially in our line of work want to be friends with you not for who you are on the inside, but for what you do and your status. Weeding through the good ones and the false ones can often times be difficult, but realizing those that shine and leave that "forever" impression on us is special. May God continue to bless you in all that you do!


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