Flower Bloom

I bought my first house a year ago and out of nowhere a list of never ending tasks seemed to erupt out of thin air. One of the first things I wanted to do this summer was plant flowers in the front yard. I couldn't wait! I always envisioned this task being so relaxing and fun. Almost like becoming one with nature or some crap. Until I got my butt out there myself I realized it was a full day of sweat and hard work. Boy was it difficult! I even had to ask one of my girlfriends to help and even still, after hours of work we only got 6 flowers planted. It was hot, there were inch worms crawling all over us. I broke my new hand shovel and tore through a couple sets of gloves but thank goodness we finished. The mulch was in, the flowers were pretty and the house finally looked polished. Then the madness started-- the flowers started to die. Oh hecks no! After all the money and time spent on these f...